Monday, November 29, 2010

Poster Idea 2

As well as the first poster idea, we also thought that we could have just the one main character, with words written on the board. As well as these describing words shown, there would also be the name of the film and the films director, producer and actors.
Below is a rough preview.

Pre Production Film

For our group, we made a video, talking about the different sheets we have produced, such as the production schedule, characters and their costumes, and we also filmed them talking about the location of the courtyard, classrooms and corridor. Ryan then edited the short clip on iMovie, then uploaded it onto Youtube. Using iMovie, different titles, transitions, and other effects were added. As well as the locations and the printed sheets, music was also added. One of the pieces of music that was put in was composed by Max, and will be used for Charlie's imagination scene, for when he imagins himself leaning in for a kiss with Gabriella. Ryan also added the music which we might use for our montage scene. I have added both songs, so everyone can see which one is better, and which song would fit that part of the film. The music for that part was done by the artist, Shaheen. As well as Max and Shaheen's music, he also added the songs which our group might use for the second last scene, when we see Max preparing Charlie to go up to Gabriella, and Charlie is acting all cool, as well as dressing a bit more cool, unlike his geek outfit. The songs which go into consideration for this scene are by UnkleJam.

These are the screen shots for when I was editing the short clip in iMovie:

- This screenshot shows all of the iMovie application. You can see the video files at the bottom, and everything around it.

Selected Parts:
- Here, you can see which part of the video file I have used in the video. Where it has an orange line at the bottom, that shows it has been selected, and where there is no orange line, that shot has not been used.

- This screenshot shows the options for selecting the titles. In iMovie, there are around 20 titles that you can change and edit.

Editing Titles:
- Once you have selected the title you want, you can then edit the size, colour, font and boldness etc.

- Similarly to the titles, you can choose from a range of pre-loaded transitions.

- When editing the short documentary style clip, I was able to add different songs and music. I created my own playlist in iTunes called 'Smile' which consists of all of the songs we might use in our 5 minute film. You can then drag it into your iMovie 'Project' so it fits in with a piece of video.

Sound Editing:
- Once you have put the music in place, you can change the volume of each of the different sound tracks. For example, in this video, I had to raise the volume of the dialogue because compared to the music, it was not that loud.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Charlie's imagination Scene - Music

Max created the music for Charlie's imagination scene, using Logic Pro. Max and Ryan had the idea that they wanted it to sound similar to Marvin Gaye's 'Sexual Healing'. It started of calm and mellow, but with a big climax half way through. The song consists of a total of 19 tracks, and instruments which include: harps, violins, pianos, horns, cellos and many more. Max added effects such as reverb, delay and and he edited the panning, EQ and velocity of each track. Max also dived deep into synthesis, editing the ADSR and envelopes. To create the soul feel drum kit, he used Ultrabeat, which is a drum beat sampler, making the kick and snare drum very soft with the high hats and symbols very crisp.

Full Screen:

Piano roll:



Instruments used :

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Final Script

We wrote our final script using Celtx. (To see the script bigger please double click on image).

Film Poster Ideas

Between our group members we discussed ideas in how to create our poster. We came up with many different ideas that we couldn't agree on so we decided on mixing them together and came up with something we were all really liked.
Here is a sketch of our poster.

Background: White (Yellow Border)
Writing: Yellow (Black Outline)
The character at the Top Left is Gabriella and Top Right is Max. Both their bodies we plan to fade into the background. The character in the Middle is Charlie. We plan to split him in half and fade it together to show his geek side and to show his cool side.
We then had the title at the bottom in a curve, curving upwards.
We placed all the characters and wording in particular places to create a smiley face.

Here are some examples of some famous Romantic Comedy posters. You can spot the similarity between them all. They all have white backgrounds, bold writing and a bright happy vibe to them.

Production Roles


3 Different Costume changes:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Production Meeting

We had a group meeting during a lesson to decide who was taking what part in managing our film. We gave each group member a role and tasks to do.