Monday, January 31, 2011

Magazine Article

We made our magazine article by using Adobe InDesign. We were able to add screenshots from our film, type our own text, and arrange it to how a professional magazine would look.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Audience Feedback

Claudia Humphreys, 17
"The film was very entertaining to watch, and it is a film that most teenagers would go to see, because they would be able to associate themselves with the characters and the events that occur in the film."

Petros Poyiatgi, 17
"I like this film because one of my favourite genres is Teen Drama, which I believe this film fits in nicely. The only criticism I have for it is that one of the scenes (after the two boys hear what the girls says about her ideal man) I thought isn't needed or should be changed to make more obvious to the audience. Other than that, I really enjoyed it and would think it would make a fun feature film."

Ed Bullock, 18
"The film follows the conventions of the genre and the mise en scene is fitting to the style to other§ romantic comedies. The use of editing techniques makes the narrative easy to follow."

Nini Hadjipateras, 17
"The setting of the film, in the school and in friends rooms, really emphasises the conventions of a young, romantic comedy. The editing technique used in the outfits scene is entertaining and the music helps create a climax for the final look."

Charley Lebetkin, 17
"This film follows the conventions of the romantic comedy genre. The editing of this film made is extremely easy to follows the story line. I enjoyed watching the outfits scenes and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the whole film."

George Butterworth, 27
"I enjoyed the film immensely; the comedic scenes work very well, although the dialogue is a little too quiet. The costumes are great, the story moves along at a nice pace, but unfortunately some of the actors rush through their lines a bit which makes it a little confusing in places."

Smile - Trailer

Another convention with this trailer is that we created our own distributor, 'Fine Art Films', parodying Paramount Pictures.