Saturday, October 16, 2010

Character Breakdown

- 16 boy
- From London
- Goes to college
- Nerdy/ geeky
- Nervous/ shy
- Has only one friend
- Has a crush on the popular girl
- Studies maths, chemistry and biology
- An only child living with his mum and dad
- Big imagination

- 16 year old boy
- Geeky, but not as geeky as his friend Charlie
- From London
- Goes to college
- Studies P.E, maths, English
- Lies about previous experiences
- Lives at home with mum, dad, older brother and younger sister

- 16 years old
- From London
- Goes to same college as max and Charlie
- Most popular girl in school
- Charlie’s crush
- Confident but ditsy
- Has a best friend called Sophie
- Lives at home with just her Dad
- Studies P.E, Photography and Art

- Gabriella’s best friend
- Giggly
- From London
- 16
- Goes to same college
- Popular
- Almost Gabriella’s ‘side-kick’
- Studies P.E, Photography and Art
- Lives at home with both parents

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